Monday, July 13, 2015

God is good.

A couple weeks ago I had to take a quick trip to Mazatlán to take my belongings to prepare for the move.  We were about half way there when we started driving around a mountaneous-curvy area.  All of the sudden a huge rain storm came and there was zero visibility.  The first rain of the season mixed with oil covered roads is not a good mix.  There was no division between the 2 sides and about 100 meters ahead was a huge cliff.  As I started slowing down in the right lane, the car wouldn't brake nor could I control the steering due to the oil.   We crashed into the mountain and scraped up against it for at least 15 meters until the car finally stopped.

A couple minutes later a bunch of ambulances, police and "green angels" (car assistance on highways) raced past us.  There must have been a crash up ahead, because none stopped to help us.    Normally when something crazy like this happens my heart rate jumps, however there was an amazing peace surrounding us.  We waited an hour for the storm to die down and all we could do was give thanks to God for protecting us and worship Him.

Before the trip God told me that He wanted to give me a very specific word on the drive.  During that hour of praising Him, He revealed to me some important things for my upcoming season in Mazatlán.  A couple minutes later my friend shares with us that as we were driving she was asking God to show her something supernatural.

Well, needless to say, God definitely showed us the supernatural.

The rain died down and we drove to the next rest stop to see the damage.  This is where we saw the supernatural.  Not a single scratch.  That's right, not one.  We scraped against the mountain for 15+ meters and nothing happened to the car. 

God is good.  No matter the circumstance we are in, God is good.  Even if we feel like we can't see a foot ahead of us or like we are crashing into the mountain (literally or figuratively), God is with us, protecting us and surrounding us.
With us when things are out of our control.
Protecting us from things that could happen to us along the road.
Surrounding us with His peace and His presence.

This month I've had the opportunity to come alongside a good friend who worked with me to start up a non-profit in Guadalajara (Corazones Educados) to serve in orphanages in the area of integral education.  I'm helping to develop a spiritual program to be implemented in orphanages to present the kids to the Father's heart.  It has been really fun to be able to combine what I've learned working with orphans and what I've learned in my classes (DTS with YWAM and the Supernatural School of Ministry that I'm currently taking).  I'm excited to be able to help develop this discipleship program and see the test-pilot in the Kids in Victory orphanage where I served for 3+ years.

God is good.  Thank you so much for your prayers for our Salamanca Mission Trip.  God did amazing things as we were able to share at the church in giving testimonies, teaching, leading worship, minister to the youth group, prophetic drawings, etc..
Team that went to Salamanca
Ministering at the Youth Group
Sharing Testimonies
Birthday Cake Tradition
If I've learned one thing over these past 5 years it is that Mexicans knows how to throw parties for any celebration.  During our mission trip it was one of my classmate's birthdays and we celebrated with a cake after church.  Here after singing happy birthday, the birthday girl has to take a bite of the cake without one of their "friends" smashing their face into the cake.  I was the lucky friend who got to cover her with cake.  Why the tradition?  I'm honestly not sure, but as you can see, I choose to embrace it! haha

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